This upcoming Easter will allow your staff to enjoy a whole week off by only booking 3 days off! Another Eggs-cuse for a sneaky staff holiday? Okay okay, we’ll stop the Eggs-cellent jokes now!
As we settle down for the weekend to over indulge in mountains of delicious chocolate, managers may also notice that staff also over indulge in “sickies”… all that eating is exhausting!
Businesses can ensure that they remain in total control of who’s of, when with a stream lined absence management process - tackling staff holiday planning and sickness absence management in one fell swoop!
If you would like to move away from those time consuming paper based forms or spread sheets, then we can help!
Activ Absence provides you with a clear view of who is off, when, for how long and any trends in absence. Managers & HR will have visibility of holiday requests and sickness absence to make informed decisions quickly and easily.
Start your no-obligation trial before Friday 25th April & we’ll even throw in an Easter Egg!
“Good things come in small sugar coated packages” – well they certainly do with Activ Absence!